[사파리]CURIO SAFARI (For overseas customers)


Curio Safari AR Experience Card

Usage Instructions

1) Download the "Curio Safari" application from Google Play or the Apple App Store

2) After launching the application, tap on the camera-shaped AR button

3) Aim the front side of the AR experience card at the camera screen

• This is a sample card for experiencing Curio Safari's AR learning feature.

• Curio Safari is an AR educational content that brings children's favorite animals to life in 3D, allowing them to move and providing detailed information when they show their favorite animal cards to the dedicated app.

• Once the app has been downloaded, no Wi-Fi connection is required for the next play.

고객센터  1855-3925

월 - 금요일 09:00 - 18:00  

( 점심시간 : 12:00 - 13:00 )

토/일요일 OFF

서울시 마포구 월드컵북로 396 누리꿈스퀘어 R&D타워 1105-9호  

(주)플레이큐리오(큐리오스토어) 대표이사 : 이상준 

T : 02 - 6205 - 9250       E : contact@play-curio.com  

호스팅 제공자 : (주)아임웹

사업자 등록번호  : 394 - 87 - 01128  /  통신판매업신고 : 제2019 - 서울마포 - 0442호  / 사업자 정보확인